My Gold Embossed Bible

What do you expect when you hold a Bible and open it to the pages within? This question was taken from an article I was reading the other day, and before I read any further my heart immediately jumped to answer …

  • to be kissed by you, Father God
  • to be loved by you, Jesus and to be given hope
  • to be guided by you, Holy Spirit; to live my best life according to God’s plan.

I smiled at my swift response and gave thanks to God for this moment in time. My heart was truly touched by the question. I reflected back to a time when I regarded the Bible as just a book that is often found shelved within a church pew alongside a hymnal or shelved within the religion section of a bookstore. I even remember seeing the Bible in family living rooms titled “The Family Bible” with generations of names listed. Our family even had one, but I didn’t even know it until many years after my father’s death.

As a child I went to Sunday school, but I cannot recall ever opening a Bible as I listened to my teacher sharing stories about Jesus. At confirmation I was given a black Bible with a gold embossed “Holy Bible” on the cover. I thought I was so cool and grown up because I owned one and viewed it as a right of passage in my life as a Christian. It landed in a place nestled between my favorite books in my white wicker bookshelf. I never remembered opening it much because I didn’t really understand anything that I read when I did. Nevertheless, it always had a place on that shelf, even when other books would be exchanged.

At the age of 18, I entered a very dark place in my life. As I sat upon my princess canopy bed, overwhelmed with heartache and tears, I was compelled to reach for my gold embossed Holy Bible and take it off the shelf. Just to hold it gave me comfort, like an old friend. Through my tears I was moved by the words on the page. I felt a sense of hope. Somehow I read in Isaiah, “You shall weep no more, He will be very gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears it, He will answer you.” (Isaiah 30:19)

For the next 25 years I never moved without taking my gold embossed Holy Bible with me. Even though I was not walking with God (far from it!), I kept it as my friend from college to apartment to house. It always had a special place within my reach.

At age 43 I went into recovery for numerous addictions. I was drowning in such a deep pit of despair and destruction I knew I needed help. I felt a desire in my heart to reach out to God, from whom I had chosen to walk away. Crying for Him in desperation, I remembered the scripture verse He had chosen for me 25 years earlier. That He will answer my cries. There, sitting on a bookshelf in the recovery center’s library was a Bible, among other resource books. I took hold of it. That day I began to dig into His book, asking for understanding and for Him to hold me by just holding it!  To my amazement I found a loving, breathing God within the pages;  a God who cares for me so much that He wrote for me His story of love and redemption:  “A story of a crowned prince who leaves his kingdom to go out and capture his beloved to take to himself forever through eternity.”

How did I come to know this? By stepping into His breath on every page; recognizing that there is power hidden in His Word. It is alive, just waiting to be received. How was I encouraged to keep digging, keep learning and asking questions? By walking with other women of faith who showed me God’s character, faithfulness and love. These women pointed me to the promises of God which I so desperately needed. Then and today He is my supreme source of comfort and hope.

He is a God: “who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” (Psalm 103:3-5)

To me He promised to take me from the pit to the palace. I was all in, heart and soul! Today, I have come to know His Word, believe His Word by faith, and keep His Word hidden in my heart. Today, digging into His Word is the best part of my day. My mornings are His so he can lavish me with love, teach me, stir me, bless me and then walk with me throughout my day. Every day I expect to be kissed, loved, and led into my best life.

My prayer and challenge for you is to pick up your shovel and begin digging into God’s Word. Open whatever color of Bible you have and see if you find your Crown Prince who loves you with complete and perfect love. His Word is alive and active and will change you. Your life will be well watered by His Word, and the peace you will find will surpass all understanding and will comfort you like an old friend.

 – Julie Jostrand

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