Look UP!

Look UP!

With all the celebrations of the miracle of Christmas – the familiar music announcing the coming of Emmanuel, God with us – the feasting and fun of gatherings with family and friends, the joy of gift-giving and receiving, there is the reality that the season also brings with it a sense that the illusive “peace on earth” is “not yet” as evidenced by an empty chair at the table; the gift that doesn’t fit (or suit); the loneliness of not being included or the pain of broken relationships; the celebrations that somehow seem flat and exhausting; or the events in our nation and world which seem to make our future uncertain.

Blasé Pascal wrote, “What else does this craving … proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace?” Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor, scholar, and prisoner who was martyred for the sake of the Gospel in Nazi Germany, knew what it was to be deprived of everything that brings life and meaning on this earth. He wrote:

“Look up, you whose eyes are fixed on this earth, you who are captivated by the events and changes on the surface of this earth. Look up, you who are turned away from heaven to this ground because you had become disillusioned. Look up, you whose eyes are laden with tears, you who mourn the loss of all that the earth has snatched away. Look up, you who cannot lift your eyes because you are so laden with guilt. “Look up, your redemption is drawing near.” Something different than you see daily, something more important, something infinitely greater and more powerful is taking place. Become aware of it, be on guard, wait a short while longer, wait and something new will overtake you! God will come. Jesus will take possession of you and you will be redeemed people! Lift up your heads, you army of the afflicted, the humbled, the discouraged, you defeated army with bowed heads. The battle is not lost, the victory is yours—take courage, be strong! There is no room here for shaking your heads and doubting because Christ is coming!  (From “A Testament to Freedom,” p. 225.)

Let us rejoice! Our King has come!

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