Go, Make Disciples

Bell classYou may have heard Hidden Heart Ministry being described as a “kitchen table ministry.” It’s a fitting description, because it started out as just that – women studying the Scriptures around a kitchen table to find out what God’s Word says about marriage. All the truths that these women found became the material for the study The Cry of the Hidden Heart.

This kitchen table ministry found its way to me when I overheard some women talking about a study being held at a home of a woman I knew from my kids’ school. I had never done a marriage bible study before, so I invited myself and showed up. The study was so Scripture rich, deep, and challenging, that I fell in love with it! At the end of the 13 weeks, I remember asking God to someday give me the opportunity to lead this study. It had stirred up a passion in me that I can’t really explain. One month later, I got a phone call from my study leader asking me if I would want to lead a group in the fall. Isn’t that so like God? Since then, I’ve led the study three more times. One of the groups has even been over a conference call with women calling in from all over the United States. And, do you know what I’ve found? Each time, I always receive far more than I give. I start out thinking that I’m doing something for God, and He turns it around and He ends up doing something for me that I never could have orchestrated.

If the same thoughts about leading a Cry of the Hidden Heart Study have ever crossed your mind, here is what I want you to know:

  1. The Cry of the Hidden Heart meets women where many are struggling – in their marriages. It’s a practical way to invite women – who may never show up at church, into your homes. They’ll come to gain help and wisdom for their marriages, and they’ll leave meeting the ONE who changes everything because He loves us so.
  2. The most beautiful part of The Cry of the Hidden Heart study is that it points women to Jesus. I love how there’s so much Scripture in every week’s lesson. Women, maybe for the first time, are opening their Bibles and discovering the WORD. God’s Word is powerful; it’s working. And as a leader you get to see that every week.
  3. Leading a Cry of the Hidden Heart study lets me BECOME the community I long for. We live in neighborhoods and don’t know our neighbors. We sit as strangers in church pews. That’s the way things are these days, and I don’t like it and it makes me sad. But, instead of bemoaning the fact, I can do something about it. I can open my home. I can extend an invitation. I can faithfully show up week after week to talk, read scripture, be vulnerable, and pray. Women are desperate for community, and you would be amazed at what this weekly time does in tying our hearts together.
  4. I learn, grow and become convicted EVERY time I lead this study. Marriage is hard. These truths in God’s Word about marriage are counter-cultural. I need a steady dose of God’s truth. Leading a study keeps the material in front of me. It makes me a better wife, it keeps me humble, and it leads me to Jesus – over and over again.

If I’ve stirred up a longing in you to start a Hidden Heart study group, we’d love to help you. If you’re overcome with doubts about starting a group, but there’s a small spark of interest, this is for you, too:

Hidden Heart Ministry Invites

All Prospective Mentors/Leaders

To a Coffee

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Call Joan at 314-434-7917 or Karen 314-984-9728 for details

Jackie Dunne