Joy of the Journey

Hidden Heart Ministry threw a party last fall in celebration of 25 years of ministry to women regarding the Joy of the Journey with Jesus as He shapes us to be His ambassadors in our marriages and families. You will be encouraged as you view the video of Joan Kehr and Linda Huffman (two of […]

Building a Sanctuary Home

“The wisest of women builds her house, …” Proverbs 14:1

Perhaps like many of you, with spring’s return, I’m launching a ritual I call “fluffing my nest” — putting away all the signs of winter around the house and replacing them with some signs of new life. While all this activity may sound like sheer cosmetics, I’ve concluded that there’s something more basic going on […]

Love in Bloom in Utah

If you missed our 25 year celebration in September, The Joy of the Journey, you will enJOY hearing from another dear friend who missed the event also, but shared their story via video.  Gretchen Heim was a winsome facilitator and advocate of Cry of the Hidden Heart when she and her husband lived in St. […]

What a Mess!

Why is marriage so hard?

Join us this Wednesday for another look at marriage. We’ll be opening up an inter-generational conversation on this very important topic! WHAT A MESS! Why is marriage so hard? Why the confusion about who should marry? Why is marriage important in this day and age? We’ll be looking in Scripture for some answers to these […]