Looking for the Next Thing?

“All my springs are in you.” Psalm 87:7

Perhaps you, like me, are a creature of habit. My mornings have a definite pattern. I’m up pretty early; turn on my TV friend for motivation to get my body moving; then click on the one cupper for a cup of brew; and settle down for some quiet time with the Lord. I’m not sure […]

Hospitality & the Gospel

Part I

Are you expecting visitors this summer and feeling the pressure of having everything in order? True confession: Living alone as I do, I like having my space, my order, my time. It can be too quiet at times, but it’s predictable. But managed and predictable is not the picture of biblical hospitality that Linda Huffman […]

What a Mess!

Why is marriage so hard?

Join us this Wednesday for another look at marriage. We’ll be opening up an inter-generational conversation on this very important topic! WHAT A MESS! Why is marriage so hard? Why the confusion about who should marry? Why is marriage important in this day and age? We’ll be looking in Scripture for some answers to these […]

As the World Turns

“Oh, that my people would listen to me, that Israel would walk in my ways! I would soon subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes.”  Psalm 81:13 In her later years, my mother’s world came to a halt each day when the soap opera “As the World Turns” came on. For twenty […]