Welcome to Abandon New Year’s Resolutions Day! According to Listexperts, by January 17th, 80% of us have chucked our lofty aspirations for the New Year and succumbed to our “rut-tines.” In other words, after today, there won’t be a line at the gym for the treadmill.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not letting go of my dreams for a better 2014 with just a wimpy seventeen-day losing battle. After a bumpy 2013, I’m in it to win it this year. On January 1st, I heard a motivational speaker on the Today Show share a simple, powerful strategy: Pick one word to focus on for the year. Just one word. (I’ll tell you mine at the end.)

Here’s how to discover the word that’s right for you:

  1. Look in – Ponder what keeps tripping you up? Is it your temper, how you spend money, or your time? A bygone era would have asked, “What is your besetting sin?”
  2. Look up – Pray and ask God what He wants you to focus on this year. Deep change needs supernatural help. Ask Jesus, the original Wordsmith, who loves you and knows exactly what needs changing. Listen for His still, small voice to lead you toward your word.
  3. Look around – Ask one or two trusted friends (tactful and gentle ones would be preferable) to share what they would recommend as a word for you. My word came to me before I had to take this dreaded step!

Once you have your word, keep it plastered before your eyes. My word for 2014 is agape – the unconditional love of God. The lock screen on my phone says agape. It’s taped on my bathroom mirror, refrigerator and dashboard. My first and last prayers of the day are asking Jesus to fill me with his agape love.

Let’s shake off the old year and “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14  “And he who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new’.” Revelation 21:5

What will be your word for 2014? I hope your new year is more than happy. I pray it’s transformational!

Mary SuzanneSignatureRGB

5 thoughts on “WHAT’S YOUR WORD FOR 2014?

  1. My word for 2014 is “observation.” I want to learn how to listen better. I want to learn how to learn to really take in what people are saying and for my eyes to learn how to “hear” people better. I want to hear myself a little less. I want to learn how to observe the unique traits that God has given my daughter (9 months) and husband. I’m often thinking of my own responses, my own judgements and how I can help before my husbands done talking (and my daughter can’t even talk yet!). I want to practice learning more patience before I respond and stay in more of an observation mode before acting in 2014.

    I was inspired to choose this word as I’ve been researching more about Maria Montessori’s educational approach. In one of her lectures, she writes, “We are so accustomed to abandoning ourselves to our own impulses. We are so convinced that our actions are always useful to others. We are so certain that we can do well that which others do badly; so sure that we can perfect that which is imperfect. Because in this world these impulses are considered good impulses, we have never performed exercises in order to control them. (emphasis mine)” I can’t help but think that this advice is good for both letting children learn through struggles but also how to let my husband lead!

    Many thanks for your post, Mary Suzanne!

    • Wow, Ruth! My heart feels like the bullseye to that arrow of a quote! That needs to be cross-stitched on a pillow or tattooed on my tongue! Thank you for sharing and I can’t wait to hear all of God’s love and beauty you will observe in 2014.

  2. My word is “listen.” This year, I want to really understand what God is saying to me and be able to discern His conversations with me and separate His instructions from my own thoughts.

  3. My word is “listen.” This year, I want to really understand what God is saying to me and be able to discern His conversation with me and separate His instructions from my own thoughts.

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